Thursday, May 7, 2009

Book Review #1

Alright so I have decided to do these randomly from now on, aka whenever I finish a book that I feel needs me to have a statement made about it and since this is my first time doing this and I have actually read 3 books recently that are worth mentioning I will do all 3 but they will be short and to the point.

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury

Now this is a classic that I assume that most of us have read in middle or high school, well my school we read a handful of pages from it. Back then I thought it was good but when you are assigned a book you never read it, it is when you want to read it that you actually do. I actually had this book given to me so I figured what the heck, sorry there is a lot of rambling here let me move on. This is a book that everyone MUST read at some point in time. As I read it I got chills, something that I may not have gotten in high school. This book seems to be very right on with the way civilization is headed and if you have read the book you will understand why that is scary! But again this is a MUST read by everyone be you American, European, or even Martian read this.

Only a Theory by Dr. Kenneth Miller

For anyone who thinks there might be some hope of the ID movement taking over Dr. Miller puts most of those fears to rest. He explains how we got to here with ID but he also refutes their "downfalls" in evolution, and finally explains why we MUST teach evolution and science to students today. This is a good read for anyone who has ever, or will ever, debate a proponent of ID. It will also help you realize that they bring nothing constructive to the table and are in the long run just a bunch of crazies(my wording not his).

Tyrannosaur Canyon by Douglas Preston

Another book that I was given as a gift from a friend, notice a trend here. This book is very good fictional read. It reads a lot like most of Michael Crichton's books but instead of dealing with science gone awry it deals with just crazy people. One of the reviewers, Stephen Coonts, said, "If John Grisham had written Jurassic Park, he couldn't do better than Tyrannosaur Canyon." I don't know if I would compare it completely to Jurassic Park but it is a very good read and anyone interested in murder, conspiracy, and Paleontology will love this book, at least in my opinion.

The next book that I will be on the lookout for will be Your Inner Fish I have seen it cheap online in softcover but the next few weeks will see me bouncing around the country, well mostly the East including a stop at SEAVP (I will not be presenting), so I don't want to get it and have it delivered somewhere and have it sit there for a long time. Anyway as always I welcome any questions, comments, concerns, and/or suggestions.
Ok so I was able to buy Your Inner Fish today so once I get some time to read it I will put up my thoughts on here.

Book review page

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