Thursday, August 13, 2009

Creation Museum

Ok so there hasn't been much anti-science out there recently. If I had to guess I would say it is because of the health care reform stuff going on in the US right now and since I try to stay away from political issues on here I am not going to discuss it, yes I have an opinion but I don't think anyone really wants to hear my side right now. I also, for all the VT fans who read this, know the Evans tore his ACL and is out for the season but I think this got enough coverage over the past 24 hours that there isn't really anything else for me to say on it.

What I wanted to post was this:
For anyone who has ever wanted to visit the creation museum without having to pay for it this is your chance. I personally have thought about it but it is far too far away from me and I really don't want to pay the $20 to get in and support what they are doing. But from the looks of it they don't raise any points that haven't been refuted before. It was still interesting to see the pictures and read some of what the signs said. To any creationist who might read this think about where the money to build this came from originally. I wonder if Ken Ham will be able to pass this off the way Kent Hovind did as a tax exempt thing or if he is playing the safe card and paying taxes on what he makes. Since I don't wish anyone ill I'll hope for the latter.

UPDATE: I don't know if this means anything but last year when I was heading south on I-71 through Cincinati there was one sign for the "museum" but when I drove through today I saw at least three signs and they had gone from a very simple sign to very fancy catch your eye type signs. I don't know what to make of that but I just figured I would point that out.

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