If you want to read what he had to say go here and see it written out.
I have to agree with Asimov on this. The more I learn about the universe or even just our planet the more beauty and intrigue I see. I can look at a road cut and see the past, I can see rivers flowing through, I can see animals that are no long alive interacting in ways that are similar to modern organisms and in ways that none of us can imagine. The beauty of the universe and this planet is not the momentary one we see now but spans back billions of years from a singularity through a molten earth to one crawling with organisms that we can barely imagine. The beauty and complexity amaze me and capture my attention everyday.
And all of this vision- far beyond the scale of human imaginings -was made possible by the works of hundreds of "learn'd" astronomers. All of it; all of it was discovered after the death of Whitman in 1892, and most of it in the past twenty-five years, so that the poor poet never knew what a stultified and limited beauty he observed when he 'look'd up in perfect silence at the stars-"
Nor can we know or imagine now the limitless beauty yet to be revealed in the future - by science.
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