Thursday, December 2, 2010

Antivax and Creationism

With the semester wrapping up I will be busy with finishing up work so don't expect much for the next few week, although I have a lot I want to do (damn inspiration coming during the busiest time of the year).

The Louisiana Coalition for Science has a great article about the tie between the antivax movement and those who want to teach creationism in Louisiana's science classrooms, in particular Dr. John W. Oller, Jr.
Such is the evidence for the quality of the scientific judgment of Prof. Oller, who, in his LinkedIn profile, specifies that his interests are “consulting offers” and “expertise requests.” He hangs out with not only the the disgraced (and disgraceful) Andrew Wakefield but also with young-earth creationists who have misinformed an untold number of innocent children. His association with ICR indicates that he believes that the earth is only a few thousand years old. Yet, according to Oller, the scientists with hard-earned, professional expertise in biology who wrote the proposed textbooks don’t know what they’re doing. Oh, and — lest we forget — evolution is causing the downfall of society.
It is a long read but it is good so I recommend everyone read it.

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