Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Daily Show on Climate Change and those oh so evil scientists

I am sure by now most people are familiar with The Daily Show With Jon Stewart, if you aren't you must have been living under a rock. Well last night's episode Jon discussed how the new BEST data continues to support the conclusion that the earth is warming.

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Now while that wasn't perfect, the "climategate" scandal was a lot of stuff taken out of context and Jon doesn't ever acknowledge that, he does point out how no body is talking about this, well except for him. That is why I am trying to let everyone know.

Now naturally with more evidence supporting climate change the next "logical" question is what are scientists up to? For this he sends Aasif Mandvi to find out in the clip below the fold.

Why we need NASA!

I have made the case in the past that NASA is important to our understanding of science and how the universe works, oh and that it is just cool as well. Well Neil deGrasse Tyson (Twitter and Facebook), a great popularizer of science in general and space in particular (oh and also an Astrophysicist), has been saying similar things, although much more elegantly than I, and that trend apparently continued this year at TAM. This video was put together by pointmanzero using some amazing images of space and Tyson's speech from TAM and it is quite moving and even without seeing him you can tell how much Dr. Tyson loves this stuff.

H/T lefayad1991

The "BEST" Climate Data

I have been quite busy this month and don't expect that to slow down any time soon but I will try to get a few posts together before I leave town for a few days early next week. Anyway I am sure most of you have heard that the UC Berkeley team released their climate data earlier this week and, shocking to no one but the climate change denialists, it feel in line with all previous climate change data. Greenman3610 was quick to put out a video to show this and it is up to his normal quality.