Monday, September 12, 2011

I Want One!

Having more and more energy efficient houses and buildings is beneficial not just to the people who make the technology but in the long run to the people who live in the houses as Greenman3610 shows in his latest video. We have been seeing over the last few years more and more houses like these popping up around the country and as far as houses are concerned it is definitely the wave of the future. As the title of my post suggests I would really like one but that isn't going to happen for sometime. Right now though I would just take a more energy efficient apartment building but right now most apartments don't have any reason to make their buildings more energy efficient, why should they in order to maximize profit for them they need must put in the cheapest stuff available and fix broken parts with cheap parts. I want to make something clear that I don't have a problem with them trying to make a profit but I feel you could charge more rent if people didn't have to pay as much for their utilities they would want to move into your place, ok that is the end of that rant but hey its my blog. Enjoy the video.

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