Monday, November 1, 2010

The Hockey League No One Wants To Be In

By now I am sure most people are aware of what is known as the hockey stick graph, the one showing a much lower temperature for the planet till the early 20th century and there has been a huge increase in temperature since. It is easy enough to pass of one line of evidence by saying correlation does not equal causation, and this is how science should work. But science also works by pulling together multiple lines of independent evidence in support of a hypothesis. Skeptical Science has a great post showing that the more famous hockey stick graph is not the only one showing this type of trend.
The original 1998 hockey stick by Mann, Bradley and Hughes didn't prove that humans are causing global warming. The evidence for man-made global warming lies in the multiple lines of empirical evidence finding human fingerprints throughout climate change. But the multitude of hockey sticks (or hockey league) do tell a story - humans have caused a profound disturbance to our climate system. To say "the hockey stick is broken" is to ignore the full body of evidence of hockey sticks throughout climate change.
The article is worth your attention as it shows that it is not just one but many lines of evidence that support the idea that we are in fact changing our own climate.

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